A space for & by the LGBTQ+ WordPress Community

On being out (or not) & the LGBTQ+Press Empowerment Grant

The WordPress community is vast, spanning many countries, languages, backgrounds, and more. The same is true of the LGBTQ+ community and the spectrum of experiences we each have. In launching the LGBTQ+Press Empowerment Grant, subsequent conversations have been stirred up. It became clear that there was a need and opportunity to be explicit about how this grant and those behind it are seeking to meet and empower people where they are. Simply put, you don’t need to be “out” as being a part of the LGBTQ+ community to apply or receive this grant and consent is built into every part of it. 

This means the following:

  • The only people who will know about whether you applied or received the grant are those you choose to tell and those who are behind the scenes working on this (Anne McCarthy from Queeromattic, Hari Shanker from the Make Community Team, Naoko Takano the Make Community Team). 
  • Your mentor will not know if you have this grant or if you applied. 
  • Any other LGBTQ+ WordPress-ers you are introduced to will not know you are LGBTQ+ unless you choose to tell them or ask that it’s made explicit in the introduction. 

As a further example, if we post about grantees (“four grantees were chosen for this round of the mentorship program”), it will be done anonymously unless otherwise explicitly stated. This puts as much of the power as possible directly in the hands of those who apply, except for those who are doing the work behind the scenes.

Coming out is not often safe, welcomed, or easy. It’s also a continual, lifelong process as LGBTQ+ people move through the world. Ultimately, this grant seeks to center all experiences of being LGBTQ+ and not weight it towards those who have the privilege or ability to be out.

I write this as an out LGBTQ+ person. If there are gaps in my understanding or thinking in writing this, please know I want to hear about them. You can contact me here. I’d appreciate filling any gaps there might be to ensure as many people as possible can benefit from this. 


