Thanks for the patience while we reviewed the Share Your Pride submissions. Whew, you all made it hard for us! If you haven’t yet, we recommend going through all of the 76 submitted photos. Which were your favorites? Let us know in the comments. As hard as it was to make a decision, we narrowed it down to the following winners, with three honorable mentions (because the queers behind this were indecisive).
Winners for best photos:
First place with a $150 USD prize.
CC0 licensed photo by Nilo Velez from the WordPress Photo Directory.

The rights of LGBTQ+ people across the world are hard fought and remain so. For example, on June 18th of this year, same-sex marriage became legal in Thailand, making it only the 37th country to do so. Many activists fought to make that happen and this photo of the pride flag in repose, resting and being cared for, felt like seeing a look behind the scenes of a hardworking flag and people. Pride is about so much more than celebrating who we are.
Second place with a $100 USD prize.
CC0 licensed photo by Claudia Di Dio from the WordPress Photo Directory.

First glancing at this photo, it feels like you are standing right behind someone walking and celebrating through the streets at a pride event. You can almost hear the cheers and feel a flag in your own hands raised above your head. We’d simply had to include a photo that captures the feeling of stepping out into the world and proudly proclaiming who you are with others by your side.
Third place with a $50 USD prize.
CC0 licensed photo by mahrieb from the WordPress Photo Directory.

We loved this interpretation of sharing your pride and capturing rainbows in all their forms. It simply immediately stuck out! There’s something particularly intimate about the wreath on what appears to be someone’s door and the marking of pride as something to highlight, similar to other holidays when you might have a specific wreath to share with the world.
Honorable mentions:
The following photos deserve honorable mentions as we went back and forth deciding:
Most submitted photos winners:
Finally, the following folks submitted the most photos and will each receive $50 prizes:
- with 12
- with 12
- with 7
If you’re a winner, please reach out here so we can provide your prize!
We will also reach out to try to get in touch with you (expect to hear from @annezazu/Anne McCarthy).
Thanks for sharing your pride with us and with everyone.
Thank you to everyone who submitted photos, shared the photo drive, and encouraged folks to take photos to submit. We don’t take for granted that people participated and it’s so cool to think about folks going out of their way to be a part of this. Ultimately, it also means the WordPress Photo Directory has 76 new options of rainbow themed photos that anyone can use to share their pride too.